Pet Costume Contest

Contest slides

Show off your pet dressed in their best costume for the super popular Pet Costume Contest! Each pet must wear a costume during the competition period to be eligible. Winners will be determined by audience applause as assessed by the pet expo staff. To learn more about entering please refer to the entertainment schedule.







Pet event Pro mock up exhibitor

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1-RED Roof Logo
1-Spectrum Logo    PINKPIGS logo QCpets logo
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1-preston loog 1-Bark Happy Logo 1-Fluffy RX Logos denverdog
zig zag logo 1-Adopta shelter Logo the doggie lift logo  
prevail logo
Trove logo Mobile Pet Shine logo Farmina logo Morris animal foundation
 JFCRN stage Logo fullyactivated logo Racing logo  Hunters logo
  INhOME logo  denvertraining logo vetdiet logo 

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