Entertainment & Activities Schedule

Thank you to our Main Stage sponsors

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Main Stage Sunday

1:00 pm Animals, Protection and Legislation with Creative Acres
Creative Acres is the only Quality of life, no kill, free roam animal sanctuary. We house 100s of animals of many species for over three decades. Besides housing animals on site, we’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people and animals thru educating the public, animal entities and thru legislation. We educate on nutrition, maintenance, behavior; much more.

1:30 pm The facts and definitions of Reiki Energy Healing for Pets with Starlight Pet Healing, LLC, Christal Goldman
Reiki (pronounced Ray-Kee) translates to “universal life force energy” and is an amazing healing methodology discovered in Japan. Offered as an alternative healing too, Reiki can be found today in many Veterinary and human hospitals, nursing homes and private practice offices. While it has been mainly used for healing people, in recent years we’ve realized how beneficial this healing system can be for animals. Please join Cristal Goldman with Starlight Pet Healing and learn How it Works, How it is Administered to Pets, Research on Reiki, and How you can learn to administer.

2:00 pm Humane Education Through Storytelling with Author Sunny Weber
Award-winning local author Sunny Weber, uses both non-fiction and fiction writing skills to help pet owners build rich relationships with their animal companions. Her Pups & Purrs Non-fiction books describe relationship-building through trust. – Beyond Flight or Fight: A Compassionate Guide for Working with Fearful Dogs seeks to save the most often euthanized dog personality. Fearful, timid, and shy dogs are rejected when well-meaning people do not know how to address their needs. – City Dog Walking Safety & Etiquette explains the history of the dog/human partnership and how those relationships have changed; how to meet your dog’s needs—both physically and emotionally; what equipment is best; communication skills; and how to make sure you and your dog companion are safe in urban and suburban environments. Sunny’s Pups & Purrs Children’s Book Series features multi-layered thematic coming-of-age stories that every animal-loving child can identify with. Canine protagonists tell their own stories—showing children how dogs see their world. Every dog goes through what children do—bullying, rejection, longing to belong, and deciding what kind of grown-up to become. Character growth begins in childhood—and puppyhood! Visit Sunny in Booth 426 for personal signings of her unique stories.

3:00pm PET CPR Demostrations with Eric “Odie” Roth owner of K9 First Aid & CPR

JFCRN stage Logo

Contest Stage sponsored by JRCRN. 


11:30 Happiest Pet, Biggest Smile Contest
Oh. My. Gawd. Becky, look at that mutt. Her smile’s so… big. We can’t believe it’s so round. We mean, it’s so out there… Oh, sorry, you caught us singing along to one of our favorite tunes by Sir Barks-A-Lot. Anyway, does your pet have a smile that lights up a room? Is he/she just the happiest pooch who’s ever wagged their way onto a dance floor? Yes? Then this is the contest for you and your best pet friend! The Happiest Pet, Biggest Smile Contest consists of two categories “happiest pet” and “biggest smile”. Audience applause will determines who wins a fabulous prize!

12:30 The Adoptable Parade of Rescue Pets 

1:30pm Pet Musical Chairs Competition

Starlight logo

2:30 Starlight Pet Talent Contest

3:30 Starlight Healing Pet Costume Contest 
Bring your pet to the Contest Stage by 3:05 PM and be ready to work, sashay, shante!
We recommend thinking of a theme song to match your costume. 


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Training Demo Schedule – in the Training Hub

Denver Protection & Obedience will be doing training demostrations all weekend in the Training Hub. 

10:40 am
11:40 am
12:40 pm
1:40 pm
2:40 pm
3:40 pm
4:40 pm

11:40 am
12:40 pm
1:40 pm
2:40 pm
3:40 pm

Find them online. 

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Zig Zag & Wag Lure Course


Racing across a grassy course with the wind in their face, free as a bird, and a “lure” just within reach? It doesn’t get much better than that, folks! Lure coursing is a sport for dogs (and even the occasional kitty!) which involves chasing an exciting mechanical “lure” that jerks, jumps, wiggles, and turns on a dime, much like those elusive squirrels and rabbits that somehow (luckily) always manage to get away. So any pet who enjoys an exciting game of “Chase,” regardless of age, ability, handicap, size, or skill, is welcome to give the Lure Course a try! The sport of lure coursing is rapidly increasing in popularity, and once you’ve taken a gander at this game in action, you’ll see exactly why. This is a very popular feature, so those whose pooch (or courageous cat) would love a chance to give it a go, should make their way right over to the course and sign up – All runs only $5! 

Furtastic K9 banner

Stunt dog performances by The Fur-Tastic K9’s 

Saturday 12, 1:30 & 2:00pm, + free workshop 

Sunday 1 & 2pm . + free workshop 





Please note: While accurate at the time of publishing, entertainment schedules, speakers, and demos may be subject to change without notice.




Pet event Pro mock up exhibitor

Our Sponsors

1-RED Roof Logo
1-Spectrum Logo    PINKPIGS logo QCpets logo
Starlight logo tava logo KW logo april boh Restorative Botantical logo
1-preston loog 1-Bark Happy Logo 1-Fluffy RX Logos denverdog
zig zag logo 1-Adopta shelter Logo the doggie lift logo  
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Trove logo Mobile Pet Shine logo Farmina logo Morris animal foundation
 JFCRN stage Logo fullyactivated logo Racing logo  Hunters logo
  INhOME logo  denvertraining logo vetdiet logo 

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