Lure Chasing

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Racing across a grassy course with the wind in their face, free as a bird, and a “lure” just within reach? It doesn’t get much better than that, folks! Lure coursing is a sport for dogs (and even the occasional kitty!) which involves chasing an exciting mechanical “lure” that jerks, jumps, wiggles, and turns on a dime, much like those elusive squirrels and rabbits that somehow (luckily) always manage to get away. While lure coursing was originally designed to be a competitive sport for sighthounds, the Swift Paws Lure Course is designed for F-U-N. The mechanical lure is under the complete control of its operator, who can easily customize the speed and movement of the chase for each pet. So any pet who enjoys an exciting game of “Chase,” regardless of age, ability, handicap, size, or skill, is welcome to give the Lure Course a try! The sport of lure coursing is rapidly increasing in popularity, and once you’ve taken a gander at this game in action, you’ll see exactly why. This is a very popular feature, so those whose pooch (or courageous cat) would love a chance to give it a go, should make their way right over to the course and sign up – All runs only $10!

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