Stunt Dog Team

Performance & Stunt Dog Team 

Fur-tastic K9 will be performing twice a day during the Denver Pet Expo.
In addition they’ll be teaching an 1hr long trick training workshop each day.

Don’t miss the high-flying, amazing performances from The Fur-tastic K9’s. Check out the team of 6 skilled, trained, professional dogs as they perform stunts and tricks and show off their obedience and ability. Born and raised in New York, Felicia Foy has been training dogs for several years. With a love for dogs and trick training, k9 performance was a natural fit for Felicia. The Fur-tastic K9’s have performed with Canine Stars & Houston Disc Dogs, at various national pet events and their videos have been featured on Good Morning America! See their performances on Saturday and Sunday and join them for a training workshop each day. 

Saturday – Shows at 12 and 2 and workshop at 3
Sunday – Shows at 12 and 1:30 and workshop at 2:30

Show times are subject to change. 

Find them online at


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